Avoid Costly and Nasty Roofing Repairs
Keeping metal roofs in good condition is a crucial part of any summer maintenance routine. Although metal roofs are resilient, failing to maintain them can reduce their effectiveness and result in serious damage to your property. Small and apparently insignificant cracks can quickly deteriorate over the winter, causing leaks, water damage, and eventually becoming a safety hazard. Following the tips from a local roofing professional listed below will help avoid nasty surprises and costly repairs.
Check your roof for signs of rust or oxidation.
If your roof contains steel panels or other steel components, it is imperative that you check for signs of rust or oxidation on a regular basis. Even the smallest rust stain can become a problem once the wet weather sets in, so use a rust remover that is compatible with your roof and spray it over the affected areas. Finding the source of the problem is just as important. Usually, the culprits are antennas or pipes, so clean them thoroughly and apply a rust-inhibiting treatment to all affected areas.
Pay attention to the flashing.
When a roof is not properly maintained, the flashing will be one of the first areas where problems appear. Make sure that there are no voids or gaps between the flashing and the roof’s metal panels. If you find gaps, you will have to decide between a temporary solution (applying sealant) or a permanent one (replacing the flashing). Also pointing to the flashings may begin to crack with thermal movement and should be noted.
Check for roof integrity.
Metal panels can become loose and seams can split, so pay special attention to transition points like chimneys, roof-to-wall joints, plumbing vents, and valleys. Also, it’s worth checking the places where small animals can settle into and create homes, as this could cause bigger problems later down the line.
For quality local roofing services, Arcade Roofing & Home Improvement is the one to call for the job. We provide high-quality roofing solutions in Brooklyn, NY. For inquiries, you can reach us at (718) 288-9881 today!