What Can Affect the Salary of a Roofing Contractor?
Roofers are professionals that install and repair roofs in residential and commercial settings. There are a few factors which will impact on a
roofing contractor
salary, such as their level of education and their years of experience in the industry. Also, weather conditions and the region they work in will influence their income levels.
One factor which will greatly affect their salary is the training they have completed. Someone that is just beginning a paid apprenticeship program will only receive only half of the normal wage a journeyman gets, or an experienced professional that has completed this program receives. Employers are often willing to reward anyone that has done more formal classroom and training with more money because they have a higher level of competency in the field, which means they can complete projects better, which in turn will increase the company’s profit margin.
Climate conditions will also influence a roofer’s income. Most roofers are willing to work in numerous weather conditions, including extreme heat to freezing cold. However, someone may receive a lower
salary when their work is characterized by rainfall or ice. As these are extremely dangerous working conditions, so professionals are unable to finish their work in such conditions.
The location will also play a role in the amount of income they will receive. For example, a company that is situated in a large metropolitan area will have more customers to receive work from, which means they are in a better position to give their roofers a better salary
when compared to businesses in more rural areas. Although a roofing
contractor working in a small town may receive less money, this is offset by the cost of living as it is usually much lower when compared to large cities. If you are unsure if your roof will make it through another freezing winter, call Arcade Roofing & Home Improvement in Brooklyn, NY today on (718) 288-9881.